Our Process: Quick and Transparent
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Enter Your Property Details
Get Valuation in 24 hours
Property Inspection
Finalise Sale in 48 Hours
Sell Property Within 28 Days
How easy is it to sell your property with us?
Answer a few simple questions about your property to get started with the process - so easy that it’d be done before you know it
Once you submit your property, we will send you a no-obligation valuation within 24 hours
If you agree with the initial valuation then we can instruct an RSIC-qualified surveyor for an unbiased inspection to finalise the offer
When we buy your property, we offer you 80% to 90% of your property’s current market value
If you are satisfied with the final offer, we can finalise it within 48 hours and, we will buy your property and finalise the transaction in just 28 days
Our contract is straightforward – you sell to us with minimal fuss and no cost to you. If we change our offer post-survey, you can walk away at no cost to you
Partner With Us
We have a process where we can trade on your property, providing an underwritten price. Our aim is to sell it for a higher amount within an agreed time frame. If successful, we split the profit.
However, if we're unable to sell it, we commit to purchasing it from you at the agreed price
Why People Choose To Sell Their Property To Us?
Apartments, detached houses, commercial buildings - we buy any type of property for a fair value
Accommodating the current tenancy agreement for landlords to offer flexibility
Buy-to-let mortgage - offer early repayment charges for settling debt early
No house sales fall through! No refusals, no cancellations! When we make an offer, we buy it
You can sell to us before your home repossession to get an equitable price for your property
You only pay the conveyance fee. No repair charges, commissions or extra fees
The Distinction Between a Traditional Real Estate Agent and Sell Your Home Easy
Sell As An Agent
Our hassle-free services help you partner with us and sell stubborn property listings for the best possible price so that you can make the most of the sale.
We provide the fairest value assessment for your listing in 24 hours.
We help you sell your listing within 48 hours
You don’t have to pay any fee! It is completely free for you as an agent to sell the property with us.